Angular Testing


Introductory Rant

What happens when code is untested? At first, nothing major will happen. The first generation of team members knows the Ins- and Outs of the code. They created each part at their preferred speed. Large applications grow over several months or years and the knowledge is stored in the heads of the developers of the first generation. Due to untested code, there will be some bugs but the bugs can be solved by the devs because they know exactly who wrote the code, what causes the bugs and how to fix them quickly. 

Bad things happen months and years later. The price is paid by the second generation of developers. Once people leave for new jobs, the team eventually is cycled out and the second generation takes over. Or maybe the A-Team of developers is put onto another project and the B-Team takes over. Lack of knowledge transfer and documentation leads to a phase of utter chaos. A vast, undocumented, untested code base is dumped onto a team that has no experience in the field whatsoever. Unexperienced people now get the job assigned to reengineer complex interactions in a short amount of time and to quickly implement new working features in a potentially broken code base. I argue that this task is almost as difficult as creating the original project although the difficulties lie not in the engineering part but in the understanding of the existing codebase.

Now nobody knows, what the code is actually supposed to do as there are no constraints described by unit tests on what the code currently does. People do not know if after changing the code, the app still works at the customer’s site because there is no test coverage that checks if parts of the application broke due to unwanted side effects.

People will shy away from changing the application instead, they will leave the company in search for a sane working environment and the app will finally be replaced altogether, when yet another new generation of developers or managers step in.

One part of the solution is to start unit testing as early as possible and to add integration testing with automated tooling support.

Tests in Angular

Angular was designed to be testable when Angular was invented and developed.

In Angular, there are unit tests written with Jasmine and Karma and end-to-end (e2e) tests implemented with Protractor. Both can be executed by the continuous integration tool or on every save during development.

Coming from other programming languages where unit tests also exist, understanding Jasmine Behaviour Driven Tests is not that hard, because the concepts of test suite, a setup and a tear-down step and individual tests within a suite correspond with other languages.

Where it gets hard is when Angular specific parts are mixed into the Jasmine tests. Understanding those Angular specific parts that are involved in an Angular unit tests for components is hard, because these parts simply are not existent in other programming languages.

Testing with Jasmine and Karma

Jasmine is a behaviour driven testing framework for JavaScript. Karma is a test runner for JavaScript. It starts a web server serving the testing code and allows a browser to access the served code. The browser can be controlled by Jasmine using a web driver.

The combination of Jasmine and Karma are used extensively by Angular. Angular adds Angular specifics to the otherwise JavaScript base tools Jasmine and Karma.

Angular Specifics

The Angular specific parts in Jasmine Unit Tests are the ComponentFixture and the TestBed. The TestBed forms the environment for dependency injection by creating a NgModule just for running a test. The ComponentFixture wraps the component instance under test.


The TestBed is used to create an Angular module on the fly. That module is only used for the unit test at hand in contrast to modules you use to organize your code. It is used to contain all the services, spies, mocks and all other resources needed to successfully run the unit test. When the unit test ends, that module is removed from memory, it only lives during the execution of the test suite. 

The TestBed will then be used to create the ComponentFixture through a call to it’s createComponent() method. (createComponent() is usually called in beforeEach()).

beforeEach(() => { 
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ContactEditComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;

The ComponentFixture is actually not the instance of the component, which is tested! It is not the system under test. In the snippet above, you can see the line of code:

component = fixture.componentInstance;

The ComponentFixture can be asked for the system under test using the componentInstance property. It will return the instance of the component under test.

It seems as if a ComponentFixture wraps the instance of the Component that is tested.

Here is what is so very confusing to me: The TestBed.createComponent() method, despite being named ‘createComponent’ does not return a component! Instead it returns a ComponentFixture!

Because the ComponentFixture was created from the TestBed, it will use the providers and services that have been configured into the TestingModule which was created in the first step. That means your spies and mocks are now used by the fixture.

The ComponentFixture is used to run changeDetection() manually because in UnitTests, the Angular ChangeDetection system is not running at all. You have to trigger the system manually so all changes are reflected in the DOM before you can query the changes in your assertions.


A ComponentFixture is an object, which wraps the instance of the Component under test. The component instance uses the mocks and spies configured into the TestBed it was created by.

In the individual unit tests, that is in the describe() and it() methods, the component is used to call methods on and to check how it’s state changes.

beforeEach(() => { 
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ContactEditComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;

describe('that, when using the FavoriteComponent', () => {
it('should display a star when clicked', fakeAsync(() => {

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