AWS build App with Cloud Development Kit (CDK)


AWS has a Twitch channel and they release very informative sessions on that channel live as well as recorded for you to watch on demand.

There is one series about developing a sample application that is fully covered by the AWS free tier. The development is done using the CDK along with typescript as an implementation language. The first episode of that mini-series is available here.

The Cloud Development Toolkit (CDK) is a way to bring AWS closer to developers by allowing developers to create AWS Cloud Infrastructure in the language of their choice, meaning in the language they already know very well. The CDK then outputs files containing CloudFormation (CF) commands.

CF is described as the assembler of AWS, as such, generating CloudFormation commands using the CDK is a little easier than writing CF directly.

CF is a way to have infrastructure as code, meaning a way you can store your infrastructure in version control systems and you can rebuild the same infrastructure repeatedly from code again without running the risk of making mistakes.

Installing the CDK on a Mac

There is a getting started guide here.

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