Angular Deep Dive

In Angular you define components and their templates in Angular’s syntax. The browser understands JavaScript. How does Angular translate all your components, bindings and templates to typescript and from typescript to JavaScript? This article contains the information I could find.


Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation
Explanation Video of the Angular Compiler
Angular Code on GitHub

The need for a Compiler

The answer to the question how Angular converts the Angular syntax to JavaScript is that Angular contains it’s own compiler. This compiler converts templates to TypeScript and feeds that TypeScript to a TypeScript compiler for finding type errors. It will then output messages for mistakes you did in writing your templates. This is necessary because Angular templates can contain logic such as referencing variables defined elsewhere, using pipes or using directives (ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch, ngModel, ngStyle, …). The code generated for type checking templates is never going to be executed in the browser, it is purely for outputting errors to the user!

Also the compiler will generate typescript code for the components you write. This code will actually run inside the browser.

The need for a Runtime

The compiler takes a component definition including the template and after type checking (see above) turns it into a ComponentDefinition. The runtime can execute the ComponentDefinition inside the browser.

The runtime can understand the and execute the ComponentDefinitions. The question is, why is a ComponentDefinition not capable of running by itself as it is converted to JavaScript from TypeScript and JS is runnable in a browser!

The answer why a runtime is required is: 

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